How Hypersign is Making Your Privacy Easy, Affordable, and Lucrative

Noah T
4 min readJun 6, 2021

The world is a digital space. While that can be a wonderful thing, it can also be incredibly dangerous. Cybersecurity is a key focus for all of us — and it should be. With so many accounts, managing all of those logins can be hard, and it can be fairly risky too. While most people grapple with different kinds of authentication and password managers, we are hitting a point where that simply isn’t good enough. Hypersign aims to take complete control of password management in a safe and easy way.

What is Hypersign?

Hypersign is a cross-chain identity protocol and Whitelisting solution that has been built to put your privacy back under your control. We are all managing different accounts with different password requirements. It can be completely overwhelming. Hypersign aims to change that with a simple one-click login solution that has the ability to change everything.

The Privacy Problem

It is no secret that we have a privacy problem in online spaces. Password leaks and data breaches are a nearly constant point of concern for most of us. Everyone has been hit with fraud or hacked at some point in their lifetime. Hyperpoint is designed to be a one-stop privacy solution for companies and individuals alike.

How Hypersign Helps

Hypersign helps by offering a completely original and secure solution that has the ability to put you in control of your online privacy. With a wide range of features, it empowers you to keep your information private so that you can feel confident when you login into any online space.

No More Passwords

The first way that Hypersign helps users is by eliminating passwords. We all work with keychains or even risk writing down passwords sometimes. It can be frustrating to try to create the perfect password when we know that we won’t be able to remember it down the line.

A common point of concern is the different requirements that come with passwords. We all want secure accounts, but creating a complex password that we can never remember — and that varies from one system to the next — is difficult when you’re managing dozens of online accounts. Hypersign eliminates passwords completely, as well as the cost and hassle that comes with storing or managing passwords.

Privacy First

Hypersign was built on W3C Self-Soverign density standards, which empowers users to control their own data. The reality is that we all go online, and in the majority of cases, the spaces we visit are watching us. Companies are monitoring your behavior, your data, and even connecting with one another to learn that much more about you.

With Hypersign, you can take complete control of your data. Your data will be secure and completely protected from outside parties. You share the kind of information that you want to and nothing else. This allows you to trust in the fact that no one is secretly spying on you.

One-Click Login & Registration

Logins are a nightmare, particularly when you are navigating multiple passwords. Hypersign aims to simplify your login experience using one single interface. The Hypersign quick secure login mechanism is perfect with its user-centric UX design. Logging in is quick and easy because it only takes one single step. Available as an app, Hypersign allows you to simplify your login process in a non-invasive way.

Data Monetization via DeFi

An unfortunate truth is that companies are not simply spying on us. They are not just collecting information or monitoring where we like to shop. Plenty of companies are taking that private information and selling it to the highest bidder.

This breach of privacy is frustrating, but it can also be worse to know someone is making money on you without your consent. With Hypersign’s data monetization option, you can monetize your own personal data. This empowers you to make direct and passive income so the only one who makes money on your data is you!


The digital world that we live in is growing by the day, and your data privacy is more important than ever. Hypersign puts your privacy under your control so you can feel confident when you interact with online spaces. Security like this is the future for online profiles, and everyone can benefit from this change.

For more information on Hypersign please follow the links below:





